Thursday, May 24, 2012

DVD LIVE REVIEW: Blue Demon Contra Los Cerebros Infernales

DVD LIVE REVIEW: Blue Demon Contra Los Cerebros Infernales
-          The opening credits are set to some funky ‘70’s music, like Jackie Brown.
-          Two men are talking in an office.  It seems like a pleasant conversation.
-          One of the two guys has a Castro beard.
-          They’ve been talking for a while now.  I wonder what they’re talking about. 
-          They’re both smoking, maybe their conversation is about cigarettes.
-          They just had the camera on the guy who wasn’t talking for a while.  Weird.
-          They did this cool fade where the camera moved, but then they cut away anyway.  Kind of funny.
-          Now we’re at the airport and we’re watching planes land.
-          Somebody punch somebody!
-          This is now a documentary about how planes taxi.
-          Somebody’s parents are picking them up from the plane.
-          You can tell this is old school because they’re going right up to the plane.
-          Ah yes, a day in the life of an airport employee.  Maybe that’s what this title means.
-          For being in an airport, this scene is really quiet.
-          There was one line.
-          Now eerie music.
-          Oh no!  I just saw Blue Demon.  I think.
-          He’s behind some lights or something, just watching everybody.
-          People are getting in their cars and driving away.
-          He just keeps watching.
-          Now Blue Demon- in wrestling gear- is getting into a car and following somebody else.
-          Blue Demon is in pursuit!
-          The one guy just said “I think Blue Demon is following us”
-          They’re talking about it, wondering which luchadors it might be.
-          And suddenly there is a woman in the car.   Where’d she come from?
-          Two people in suits- one is a distinct blue- looked like they were going into their house, but then they turned and kept walking.
-          Blue Demon is shown on top of a hill and then through the power of jump cuts he’s all over the place.
-          Music has kicked in.
-          Blue Demon has jumped off the steps and done a plancha onto a guy. 
-          They’re rolling around in the dirt together. 
-          Bright blue suit is screaming and thrashing.   Bright blue suit is also a woman.
-          And just like that, new scene.
-          Not sure where we are, but two men are talking to a woman.
-          It’s either a science lab or a television studio.
-          Here come more women.
-          And now guys in spacesuits are coming up out of the floor.
-          They’re all standing in a line.   This might be a bisexual whorehouse.
-          I’m not joking, I think this is a whorehouse now.
-          Ah, but here are some beakers in the seemingly same place, only a scientist guy is looking under a microscope as Blue Demon looks on.
-          They’re looking at a head x-ray.   Guess Blue Demon really doesn’t ever take his mask off.
-          We seem to have two different plotlines going on here, with good guys and bad guys, but they also appear to be in the same place.
-          So many levers…
-          The scientist with Blue Demon appears to be discovering electricity.
-          Doctors are talking now.
-          Where did I put my nail clippers?
-          Cut to a wrestling match.  Blue Demon is fighting the black haired version of Ric Flair.
-          This match might be the whole rest of the movie, and I’m fine with that.
-          I heard the commentator say “Blue Demon”!  I caught that part.
-          “Back to the lab it was created at” – Sage Francis
-          If I had to guess, I’d say these doctors were doing some sort of brain surgery to make someone who can beat Blue Demon.
-          But we’re back to the match now and Demon is getting beaten.  Maybe they’re really controlling the guy fighting Blue Demon?  OMG, did that Hugh Jackman movie rip this off??
-          I just heard them say “mascara”, as in Mil.
-          And now the doctors are frying up a brain.
-          Everyone knows you slow cook brain…
-          Back to the match and Blue Demon is in trouble.
-          Nevermind, he just won.
-          The match is over and dinner is served:  BRAINS.
-          And now a word from a random go-go dancer.
-          Though probably not vital to the plot, this does eat up about twenty minutes of the movie.
-          Mustache man approves of the dancing.
-          She’s finally done and the mustache man is talking.
-          I think they’re debating how much to tip since her show was pretty PG.
-          Now we’re back in an office with guys in suits.
-          I think I heard him say “chicano”.
-          Welcome to the club.
-          Everyone is dancing to a band.
-          This is fun, if not pointless.
-          I’ll seriously find someone to translate this movie for me and it give it a proper review if Blue Demon comes in and turns this scene into a battle royal.
-          Such odd camera angles.
-          SAX-A-MA-PHONE.
-          Some woman and man are talking.  Probably about why everyone is dancing except for them.
-          This guy just walked in and the whole place went quiet.
-          Quiet piano as these two men talk.
-          He’s got a picture.  “Have you seen John Connor?”
-          Oh, that Hugh Jackman movie from before is called “Real Steel”.
-          We have entered a dojo.
-          So has Blue Demon.
-          Or maybe Demon’s in a morgue.
-          The doctors are back.   Demon is “hiding” by stepping off camera.
-          Dig that music, baby.
-          This seems to be a team of women superheroes.
-          Blue Demon’s got a bong, yo!!
-          Okay, maybe not.
-          He’s lurking in the background, like he’s not supposed to be part of this movie.
-          And he just disappeared into thin air.
-          Back to the club with the band name I can’t quite make out.
-          The camera man keeps staring at the floor.
-          A man and a woman are talking.  I heard “Buenos noches”.
-          Pull the lever!
-          They’re about to drill into his brain.
-          And out comes some guy’s brain.
-          IT’S ALIVE!!!
-          Now the scenes seem to be skipping and out of order.
-          Oh well, SLOW DANCE!
-          IGOR!!!!!!!!!!!!
-          At least they’re wearing gloves while handling the brain.
-          They appear to be putting the brain in someone.  Ah yes, next week on “Brain Swapping”.
-          Back to the dance.
-          I recognize that woman from earlier in that bright blue suit.
-          Now she’s in a light blue dress.
-          She’s stealing all the paper towels from the bathroom!
-          And now we have the women crime fighting league back.
-          The woman in blue is eavesdropping.   She planted a bug!
-          It was more like a small radio and it was pretty much out in the open.
-          SMOKE BOMB!
-          What are these women doing?
-          Men are taking someone out of their trunk.
-          And here comes Blue Demon outta nowhere!  They’re brawling on the lawn!!
-          Blue Demon just no-sold a punch.
-          And now they’re climbing a tower near a giant rocket.   Where the heck did that come from??
-          All along the water tower…
-          “Hey, Blue Demon, how many beers have you had?” “Quatro”
-          They’re fighting atop the water tower.
-          And Blue Demon just knocked the other guy off, who fell like a Jenga piece.
-          Back to the lab.  Again.
-          Did she just speak English?
-          Eighteen minutes to pull off another good fight scene, Blue Demon.
-          This woman is dressed like a bee.
-          BRAIN SURGERY
-          They had to edit the scene for the nurse to tuck in the sheets?  Really?
-          Agent 99, no!!!
-          Was that a metal skull?
-          Please move into the frame lady in a red coat.
-          They need to stop talking and fight already.  The end is near.
-          One woman.  Three men.  Four mustaches.
-          Now Blue Demon is wrestling someone in a red and black singlet who is also barefoot.
-          Is he Carlos Colon?
-          Jerry Lawler?
-          Blue Demon does not like to sell.
-          Interesting Side Note:  The ref wears all white for some reason.
-          The three superhero women just showed up to the match.  Bee Woman is in the crowd as well.
-          All roads end here.
-          I think Blue Demon just died.
-          Nope, he’s hulking up.
-          Now Blue Demon is out of the match somehow and getting a rub down.
-          Enter Bee Woman.
-          Bee Woman just answered the phone.  How’d anyone know she’d be there?
-          Now the guy is on the phone.
-          If this movie ends with talking, I’m going to sue.
-          Blue Demon speaks.
-          “Sorry I killed that man on the water tower”…
-          A newspaper?  What??
-          This movie is about to end with a newspaper article.
-          Beard man from the beginning- who looks kind of like Rick Rude now- is trimming his beard.
-          Beard man is talking to the blue woman.
-          The music has kicked in with two minutes to go.
-          The superhero trio of women are with beard man.
-          They’re talking beard man away.
-          Blue woman came back and is missing beard man.
-          Cars are driving fast.
-          And the movie just ended with blue woman driving in the car, talking on the phone.  That can’t be right but this just looped back to the beginning so I don’t know.